
Susan Manning
President, Sponsorship and Fundraising Committe Chair
Susan bio.

Dave Joranson
Vice-President, Nominating Committee Co-Chair
Natalie and Dave have lived in Monona since 1986, and very much appreciate all that the Monona Senior Center has to offer.

Judy Runk
Treasurer, Finance, Dance, and Marketing Committee Chair
Judy bio.

Beth Bingham

Laura Nielsen

Anne Wellman
Naturalist Committee Chair

Dan Eklof
Secretary, Technology Committee Chair
Tends to the technological and secretarial needs of the board. Dan is involved in the Monona community in a variety of ways and is happy to help folks. He has an associate's degree from MATC in Computer Networking and has worked with technology since he was a kid. Dan has been with the board since April of 2013.

Gail Gordon

Stan Nielsen
Welcome Committee Chair

Molly Grupe
Sunshine, Concerts Committee Chair
Feminist eco-warrior and speech pathologist strivingĀ for social justice.

Leda Kanellakou
Nominating Committee Co-Chair
Leda Kanellakou, Monona resident since 2003.

Alison Resch

Get in Touch
To contact our board of directors for questions or any issues, please use the contact us button below.